Discover how to reclaim up to 10 hours off your work week... while increasing your income and eliminating stress.

Talented Physicians Are Burning Out

And they’re giving up at an alarming rate.

Compassionate and highly capable physicians are burning out.

If you’re here, you know you’re dangerously close to being one of them.

You’re in the right place.

This is where physicians go when they have had enough and are ready to take control of their lives again.

You’re determined to not become one of the 44% of physicians who burn out. Or one of the 15% of reported depression cases among physicians each year.

You know that 60, 70, and 80+ hour work weeks aren’t sustainable. Not for your health. Not for your family. And not for your sanity.


Here’s the harsh truth: the medical environment is stacked against you. You’re expected to see more patients every day, process more paperwork, deal with more technology, handle more bureaucracy, and do it all without admitting that it’s exhausting or stressful or making you question your life choices.

Not to mention the medical profession, by nature, is stressful in and of itself. You’re making decisions every day that affect the lives of those around you in a real way. Add the additional stress on top… and it’s a recipe for disaster.

A recipe that is burning out doctors at an unsustainable rate.

To apply for a FREE, Confidential Breakthrough Session, click below.

We Help You Find The Right Kind Of Balance… But We’re Not For Everyone

The solution to burnout is simple, frankly. It’s a personally tailored strategy to FINALLY balance your life.

The tough part is achieving that balance without letting something slip through the cracks, fade away, or simply lose out.

Helping you achieve that balance in a way that works for YOUR life is what we do here at Balanced MD Leaders.

Not everyone is a great fit to work with us.

To be successful with our program, you must be open and ready to receive the MAP we have for you – the Mentorship, Accountability, and Plan. This is not going to work if you won’t sit in the patient’s seat and let us help you the way we know best.

If you are not truly ready to commit to yourself and banish burnout from your life… then frankly, you’re not a good fit.

Our program is the best kept secret for doctors who know where the end of the rope is and have no desire to see it… AND doctors who are already hanging on by a thread and are truly ready for a new way of living.

This is not a simple rah-rah motivational program. This is going to require real work on your part to make the changes you want most in your life. You can’t just sit back and watch as we teach, or listen to stories of others in the program, and magically feel better about your situation.

You’re going to have to put in the effort required to make your dreams a reality. Which means you really need to get clear on WHAT changes you want to make and WHY.

If this is you… then you’ve found the solution you’ve been searching for.

This is the place where it’s okay to show that your life isn’t perfect and that you don’t have all the answers. This is the place that will allow you to finally stop being alone and start being real – with yourself and with others. This is the place that will allow you to finally step out of doctor mode and start living up to YOUR full potential – the person that you’ve always known you can be.

If you apply and qualify.


If You Join Us...

You can expect to save time… REAL, measurable time, not so-called “productive hours” that mean you’re still stuck at your desk or in the office or away from your family but don’t actually give anything back…

You can expect to feel happier overall. Not just merely content or satisfied, but actually joyful and happy again. And it will not be reliant on what happens that day or how much money you’ve made…

You’re going to sleep better. Be a better partner or parent. Be more present in your life outside your practice in a way that will remind you why you’re doing this in the first place. You’re going to take control of your life again!

You’re going to realize your love for medicine again in a way that will take you back to when you first became a doctor – ready to conquer the world and change lives doing it. You’re going to take control of your life again!

And what’s more… you can expect to see real change in your life inside 30 days.

To take the first step toward freeing your life… check out our free training:

The 5-Step Game Plan Smart Physicians Are Using to Beat Burnout, Escape 60 Hour Weeks, and Finally Win Their Freedom Back…


Will Hahn, MBA, is the elite coach and mentor behind Balanced MD Leaders. He has been a trusted advisor for physicians for nearly 20 years, and understands on a real level the challenges that physicians in a wide range of specialties face. He understands what it’s like to run a small practice (because he ran one) and a large one (because he ran one)… and what’s more, he knows precisely what it takes to make changes that mean the world to his clients.

We use validated assessments to help our clients understand their current situation, and proven methods to start realizing the lives and practices they want.



Will Hahn, MBA, is the elite coach and mentor behind Balanced MD Leaders. He has been a trusted advisor for physicians for nearly 20 years, and understands on a real level the challenges that physicians in a wide range of specialties face. He understands what it’s like to run a small practice (because he ran one) and a large one (because he ran one)… and what’s more, he knows precisely what it takes to make changes that mean the world to his clients.

He uses validated assessments to help his clients understand their current situation, and proven methods to start realizing the lives and practices they want.



Will Hahn, MBA, is the elite coach and mentor behind Balanced MD Leaders. He has been a trusted advisor for physicians for nearly 20 years, and understands on a real level the challenges that physicians in a wide range of specialties face. He understands what it’s like to run a small practice (because he ran one) and a large one (because he ran one)… and what’s more, he knows precisely what it takes to make changes that mean the world to his clients.

He uses validated assessments to help his clients understand their current situation, and proven methods to start realizing the lives and practices they want.

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